I've been away for a bit of time due to constant rehearsals and seeing shows, along with classes most of the day. This last week we finished a straight ten days of class. It was a long and tiring process, but my classmates and I persevered through it. Unfortunately, my classmates started getting sick one by one; until there was only about eight or nine, out sixteen students, could go to class because they were healthy. Thankfully, I was not touched by the sickness, and hopefully I will not be touched by the sickness anytime soon. There's an old saying that as long as you keep denying that you're sick, than you will never be sick; kind of a mind beats the body sort of mentality. Yet, at that time if you're sick you need to rest up and get better to continue your job.
Our Thanksgiving Party |
This past week we also hosted for Thanksgiving for all of our Russian professors and everyone involved with the American Studio at MXAT. I had the wonderful opportunity to help cook the two of the turkeys we were given for the dinner. First of all: Russian turkey's are very small; about two turkeys make up a regular turkey that an American family would eat. And we had to cook enough food for roughly around 70 people (46 students and 15+ professors, translators, etc.). I have to say: I've never cooked a Thanksgiving turkey before, and it's not something that I would like to do very often, but the pay off is wonderful. I helped my classmate prep and cook a turkey and her family recipe of Thanksgiving Stuffing, which is fantastic and the best stuffing I've ever had!
The Krusty Krab |
After all that I had the wonderful opportunity to eat at the Krusty Krab. I know that sounds a bit confusing, but there is really a Krusty Krab in Moscow. There is this street that has a lot of odd activities and houses that you can go into such as: the Optical Illusion Museum, Upside Down House (where everything is upside down), the Mirror Maze and more. My favorite out of any of them was the Optical Illusion Museum, because it was the place where you could stay there for a long time and get the most bang for your buck. As for the Krusty Krab, I did not have a Krabby Patty, but I was heard it was very good. Instead, I got a Krusty Krab Pizza (it was called something else, but it was pizza and it was at the Krusty Krab, so I'm calling it the Krusty Krab Pizza).
When you are in hard circumstances, you just have to push through till you see the light at the end, then what is waiting for you is bliss and happiness.
Me and my Friends at the Optical Illusion Museum |
Thanks everyone, I'll be in touch soon!
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